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We're Working Hard Behind The Scenes...

Focused on Community Outreach to the unhoused and others struggling to maintain their housing, the United Community Living Center (UCLC) team goes out into the community to find and help those most vulnerable.  


With no “brick and mortar” to date, the UCLC can be found on Saturdays at the Universalist Unitarian Church breakfast for the unhoused, on Sundays at South Parish’s auditorium for Sunday Dinner, serving the 3rd Saturday free community dinner at South Parish and physically out on the streets meeting people where they are at.


The UCLC team helps people with basic needs like food, water and shelter as well as hygiene and first aid supplies.  A community health worker (CHW) is available to assist with connecting folks to existing resources, seeking medical treatment, obtaining birth certificates, licenses, filling out applications for housing, food and general assistance, providing help finding employment, being ready for employment and keeping employment.  When you lack housing, transportation, and steady income, these things are difficult if not impossible to navigate.


Currently a 100% volunteer run, grass roots group UCLC is fundraising to continue to provide these much needed services and ultimately establish a community center where these individuals can come in off the street and receive support daily, 365 days a year.

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Image by Louise Viallesoubranne
UCLC Rebrand Concept_FNL.png
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